
Thursday 25 September 2014

School of the Holy Beast (1974)

The romantic montage that opens SotHB gives no indication of what follows once Maya enters the Sacred Heart Convent, a place where morals and judgements aren't as black and white as the religious habit the women wear. Do all convents have a Persecution Room?  0_0
The first half is uneventful, other than the usual bloody flagellation, lesbianism and nudity you almost always get in a nunsploitation flick, but the remainder is atypical thanks to Suzuki’s eye for beauty and art. The dreamlike quality of the imagery separates it from the trash. Pissing on an effigy of Jesus is rarely this entertaining. (Sorry, mom.)

3 strict principles out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.