
Friday 26 September 2014

Rocky III (1982)

Being on top makes you a target, so all eyes are on Rocky, including the fierce, burning gaze of Clubber Lang. Clubber wants a shot at the title and he’s got the fire to make it happen. Rocky is ill-prepared, like a writer without a muse, but help comes from an unexpected source.
Before it gets good we have to suffer the farce of Rocky Vs Hulk Hogan and the woeful dialogue that plagues about half the film.
Burgess being the gruff manager is always fun, but what makes it worth seeing is the legendary Mr T. It’s the best performance I've ever seen him give and, in all honesty, he’s perfect for the role.

3 stars on the platform out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.