
Monday 8 September 2014

FRENZY [1972]

Alfred Hitchcock's penultimate film Frenzy isn't necessarily essential viewing but will probably please fans of the film-maker's work.  
The Fatman gets his inner pip-pip on with this unsettling thriller that follows a wrongfully accused man of raping and strangling a long string of snotty bints who may or may not have deserved it.  With the way the females are poorly portrayed in this film, one might suspect Hitchcock felt they all deserved it.  Unfortunately the suspense is shot in the head pretty quickly due to some sloppy storytelling and poor characterizations.  However with some diabolically dry humor and Hitch's precise technical creativity it's still an interesting watch amidst it's prominent flaws.

3 sacks of potatoes out of 5

1 comment:

  1. The murders were uncomfortable viewing; at least to me.
    I know well the type of film he was referencing with the London setting and the women etc, but I could never decide one way or the other if he was trying to kill that genre onscreen or saying that it had subversive potential and he'd decided to prove it.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.