
Tuesday 9 September 2014


aka Live. Die. Repeat.

Based on Hiroshi Sakurazaka's sci-fi novel All You Need Is Kill, director Doug Liman's Edge Of Tomorrow feels like Starship Troopers trapped in the world of Groundhog Day (we all have to say it).
Tom Cruise gets caught in a time loop of the shittiest day during a war against an alien race that looks like gooey versions of The Matrix's sentinels on amphetamines.  As blow-em up, loud SFX razzle dazzle blockbusters go this one's pretty decent as it wears it's smarty pants well.  The normally delicate Emily Blunt is fantastically believable as the gruff one saving Cruise's life through the carnage while he panics and tries to hide.  It's like a video game with it's endless lives and with each turn the story is given a new purpose and theme to explore, never really allowing itself to actually become tiresome or dull.
Never taking itself very seriously at all, Edge Of Tomorrow is a great success that is simply a real hoot.

3½ Full Metal Bitches out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.