
Sunday 10 August 2014


TV director Michael Pressman replaces Steve Barron for the sequel to 1990 mega-hit in the mind-numbingly silly The Secret Of The Ooze.
A rushed job to appease the studio and it's young fans it's filled with terrible humor, sloppy storytelling, plot-holes galore and plenty of catch-phrases that never actully caught on.  The film is notably a lot lighter in tone and holds back on the violence, compared to the original film that spent a lot of time in the shadows.  Hell, I don't even recall the turtles actually using their signature weapons more than once each here.  Having not enjoyed it all that much as a kid when it was first in theaters, I wasn't expecting much with an adult revisit.  I got exactly as I thought I would.  Put on two pairs of nostalgia glasses over the first pair to enjoy this one, kids.

1½ shitty excuses for Rocksteady & Bebop out of 5

1 comment:

  1. I seem to recall you not wanting to go any further in the series. Why punish yourself now?
    Even though I know this one is objectively terrible with the annoying added characters, the turtles not being very good ninjas, and lame 90's vibe, I still love it.
    It's not even a 90's vibe, it's what some out of touch screenwriter thought was or was going to be hip. :laugh:
    I think it still has entertainment value as it is.
    3 Ninja rap is not even the most embarrassing thing Vanilla Ice did out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.