
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Guyver: Dark Hero (1994)

It's been a year since Sean/Guyver kicked Zoanoid ass, but the suit remains a part of his genetic make-up. He begins to experience dream images that lead him to uncover more about his alien origins and kick more ass.
David Hayter (real name Solid Snake) takes over the role of Sean. His boy band hair is distracting, but he's still more believable than the other guy.
The first hour could easily have been reduced to half an hour without losing anything of consequence. The second hour gets on with the story, and once the Guyver suit dominates things are bearable. It’s a better film than before, but don’t misinterpret that as a recommendation of any kind.

1½ smokin’ footprints out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.