
Saturday 30 August 2014

Ghost in the Shell: Arise - Border 3: Ghost Tears (2014)

Motoko's forced to put her personal life on hold to focus instead on a difficult case that overlaps with her past. It’s interesting to see her exhibit strong feelings not related to duty and honour. By making her seem more human they also deepen her reasons for controlling that side of herself.
A tertiary character haunts the background from time to time, waiting for Border 4 (2014) to reveal her true intentions, no doubt.
When the team are assembled around Aramaki's desk for a mission briefing it feels just like Ghost in the Shell ought to feel. But they aren't the fully-formed Section 9 just yet. They need one more member in order to gain the privileges needed to help them be the best at what they do. And let's not forget that brave little Logicoma.

4 mermaid legs out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.