
Sunday 20 July 2014

Vampires: Los Muertos (2002)

A sequel that isn't a sequel set in the same world as John Carpenter's Vampires (1998). A guy with Bon Jovi hair plays a vampire hunter trying to prevent the same Black Cross of Berziers that Valek sought in the other film from falling into the wrong hands. No, wait... it is Bon Jovi. That explains the inexperience and average acting. He's a musical fish out of water. He does try, though, which is half the battle.
Unusually for this kind of thing they didn't ask him to score it. Brian Tyler had that misfortune and it’s not too shabby for the most part; it’s certainly the most successful part of proceedings.
The locations were also nice in a dusty Western kind of way. Just don’t focus too much on that awful editing. Too late. Now you will.

1½ fried bogies out of 5


  1. In no universe should this film enter my mind more than once a month.
    Thanks to you I've thought about it twice this month.


  2. If you're really nice, I'll do the third one for you. :)

    But I'd rather not.

    It looks bloody awful.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.