
Saturday 26 July 2014


Director John Pogue joins the modern Hammer Horror films with The Quiet Ones, a spooky little tale about the attempt to manifest an angry ghost through a troubled young woman.
Jared Harris is better than the material he's offered with a layered performance that harkens back to the days of Peter Cushing, while Olivia Cooke is highly effective as the crazy girl that gives off a nasty case of the uber-wiggins.  It's bleak, washed-out photography looks like it creeped right out of the 1970's when it's not bouncing back into found footage territory which is distracting at best.  It's harshly edited and bumpy in it's narrative, giving off the feeling that it was the tortured victim of a studio re-edit and multiple script rewrites to diminish it of it's eerie atmosphere, that's present but not quite used to it's full effect.
The Quiet Ones delivers the scares and tense moments but not enough to be anything more than a cheap rental you'll forget about within a few hours.

2 warm palms out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.