
Friday 25 July 2014

CONTACT [1997]

Contact is director Robert Zemeckis' fascinating study of the scientific and religious possibilities of life beyond our solar system.
By taken some intellectual and philosophical points of view, Zemeckis & co manage to paint a very realistic picture of the man's first contact with "aliens" which gives the narrative quite a bit to chew on.  Fortunately with the likes of Jodie Foster and others, the film is easily digestible and never overly preachy or one-sided to still be considered cinematic entertainment.  Things get a little lost in the FX-riddled climax, which is odd because Zemeckis is usually quite clever at combining FX with good story-telling but when all is said and done, Contact is still fully satisfying as a thoughtful film or a sci-fi ride, on par with Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.

4 wastes of space out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.