
Friday 27 June 2014


Inspired by Kevin MacDonald's Life In A Day, Bailie Walsh & Ridley Scott set out to produce a fan-made documentary featuring homemade videos of fans of Bruce Springsteen expressing what the artist means to them, the impact his music had on their lives and memorable concert moments.
Springsteen & I showcases fans from all over the world of all ages, ethnicities and cultures which makes for a wide variety of interesting stories to be told.  Some are funny, some are quite moving and some are...well..kinda creepsome.  The fan clips are intercut with rare performance footage and some lucky clips are of the exact performances the fans are speaking of.  The film plays without a narrative arc but is cleverly pieced together to never feel jarring or jumbled into a babbling mess.

3 Philly Elvises out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.