
Thursday 19 June 2014

Shocker (1989)

A slasher/horror/black comedy from the era when all American high school kids looked like twenty-eight-year-olds who ought to know better.
Dir. Wes Craven uses many of the same tools from his bag of tricks that he used on the superior A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Parts of it are essentially the same film in a different skin.
It’s 100% hokum. What saves it from permanent shit-bin residency is Mitch Pileggi’s willingness to embrace the cheese.

2 bad jolts out of 5


  1. :laugh:

    I haven't seen this since it first came out on home video.
    I thought it was just all right then so I can't imagine what I'd think of it now.

    Loved the soundtrack though.
    Such hammy goodness.

  2. I hadn't seen it since then, either.

    I have the Meagdave 12” of No More Mr Nice Guy. It makes me cringe that he Daffy Ducks it but it make me smile because I love the Alice original. It’s a very odd feeling.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.