
Saturday 21 June 2014


Inspired by the '50's kaiju films, Hollywood decides to give the Godzilla franchise another go, after the dismal shit-heap that was birthed by Roland Emmerich in 1998.
Director Gareth Edwards knows a thing or two about giant beasties based on the success of his first feature, Monsters.  Naturally he's one of the better choices to take the helm for such a film and he really doesn't disappoint with this loud, flashy romp of a good time.
It's a slow-burning start to establish mood and setting, which left some movie-goers impatient but I found that to be part of the excitement when the entire theater finally did rumble and shake from the title character's mighty roar.  It's pretty thin on characters and hardly subtle with it's "nuclear power bad" message but when things start blowing up nothing else matters.

3 cases of nasty breath out of 5

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been revisiting the originals. I’m up to film 09. They’re scheduled to be posted soon.
    I’ve no interest in seeing this one or the other US version, so I'm glad you went for it. :)


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.