
Wednesday 25 June 2014

GERRY [2002]

Director Gus Van Sant creates a haunting experience with the indie-minimalist drama, Gerry.  The first part of his so-called Death trilogy, a series of films inspired by real life events depicting youth & death, Gerry tells the story to two close friends who lose their way in the desert, loosely based on an incident in New Mexico.
Van Sant makes great use of this trademark extended tracking shots and wide frame landscapes that seem so vast compared to the tiny dots that are Matt Damon and Casey Affleck.  As the story progresses the dialogue, sound effects and musical score become more sparse which effectively adds to the dread, panic and hopelessness of the dire circumstances.  It's not a film I particularly enjoyed but definitely one I quite admired for it's brilliant style and technique.

3½ mirages out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.