
Friday 2 May 2014

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)

It's new challenges time and a new ship for the old crew. There's a problem in the Neutral Zone (again) and only Captian Kirk can sort it out. Why only Kirk? Because he's William Shatner, of course. And he's now also the film's director.
The story touches on philosophical and theistic concerns; and by avoiding delving too deeply into either it adds food for thought without risking offending all but perhaps the most religiously-sensitive viewer. But, alas, as it goes on the cracks begin to show in the script and besides a few excellent character scenes, and some decent comedic moments, it lacks a crucial spark.
Budget cuts forced the planned earth-shaking finale to be abandoned. Far from being apocalyptic, it instead has the explosive power of a warm shart.

2½ secret pains out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.