
Saturday 24 May 2014

L'éden et Après (1970)

aka Eden and After / Oltre L'Eden

The 'plot' of Alain Robbe-Grillet's first colour film is revealed gradually but not before he sets a visual and conceptual precedent of timeless beauty wherein clarity is subservient to implied meaning. The Café Eden, in which the people spend a lot of their time, is a Piet Mondrian painting brought to life. The filming technique within that space is astonishing. Each time I was on the verge of tiring of the game a timely change occurred making everything fascinating again. It's a Left Bank masterpiece of vibrant colour and perfect lighting. Anyone unfamiliar with French cinema prior to watching will be in for a shock or a treat depending on their individual likes and dislikes. If you enjoy L'éden et Après, you may want to seek out N. a Pris les Dés... (1971) next.

4 faces, objects, gestures out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.