
Thursday 13 March 2014

Beowulf (2007)

The Beowulf poem was penned in English but not any kind of English you’d recognise. This CGI version is in modern day language, except for the occasional respectful nod to the archaic. Leaving aside differences elsewhere, as a film it does a lot of things well: Grendel is brutally violent but also owns our sympathies; Beowulf himself is flawed and his role open to interpretation; and the fights are dramatic as hell, using the freedom of movement that a virtual environment allows.
The animation succeeds in being realistically lifelike (especially Jolie's face), so if that kind of thing pleases you then you should have no complaints.

3½ belching Thanes out of 5


  1. :D You did the 2nd to last film in my Zemeckis run.

    I wasn't much looking forward to revisiting this one.

    Was never much of a fan.

    2 bay-woofs out of 5

  2. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. :sad:

    I studied the poem at Uni so I’m kind of attached to it, and enjoy seeing the various interpretations.
    I’d seen it once before. I liked it better this time.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.