
Sunday 2 February 2014

Alien³ (1992 / 2003)

It's as bleak as a British winter and it'll piss off many fans of Aliens (1986), but I doubt pleasing Cameron's crowd was ever on the agenda of the creative team. If you've seen the Theatrical Cut, then you'll know how messy and lifeless it was. Fincher declined an invitation to do a Dir. Cut himself, so instead we got an Assembly Cut (by editor David Crowther?) that takes a xenomorph sized shit all over the studio's preferred version.
The bad CGI and hasty rewrites are still evident, but the forced camaraderie, the crushing despair and the multiple malignancies are more tightly woven into the narrative structure. Ultimately, if you're a fan of the series and haven't seen the 2003 version, then you really ought to.

1992 Cut: 2½ wall-runs out of 5 | 2003 Cut: 3½ parental instincts out of 5


  1. It's a cold film that doesn't quite sit right with me yet something is oddly alluring about it as well.

    I'll go with a 3.

  2. Cold is definitely a fitting word. Other than the furnace, I don't think there's any warm colours anywhere.

    The music is really well integrated. The blu has an isolated score but I haven't had time to check it out yet. :(


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.