
Sunday 5 January 2014


The Coen Brothers paint a dreary haze over a depressingly funny story, loosely inspired by folk singer Dave Van Ronk, with Inside Llewyn Davis.
Oscar Isaac is absolutely fabulous in the title role and with any luck he will gain the acclaim he's deserved for years.  Isaac's Drive co-star Carey Mulligan display a dark yet charming performance that matches the rest of the magnificent cast, particularly Justin Timberlake, who's made a smooth transition from pop star to actor.  With The Coen's O Brother Where Art Thou? music producer T-Bone Burnett on board I don't even have to tell you how great the music is.
It's a compelling gem of a film that is sure to please fans of the brother's more difficult films and probably baffle others with it's odd style of storytelling and miserable characters.

5 folk singers & a cat out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.