
Friday 13 December 2013


Director James Mangold likes to make Western films even when they aren't Western films.
The Wolverine is a perfect example of that, as Hugh Jackman assumes the role of Logan for a sixth time and headlines a second film that could only be better than the last shitfest.
Mangold loves a good character piece so it's a breath of fresh air when the film hardly relies on any extravagant CGI action scenes (with the exception of the clumsily executed climax) and instead opts for some beautifully choreographed fight sequences.  Some characters are delicately written while others seem like they were slapped together at the last second, as are some of the "exposition" scenes, which many are hardly needed if you have half a brain.
It's not perfect but certainly a welcome addition to the ever-growing X-men franchise.

3 bullet trains out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.