
Friday 1 November 2013


Director Fred Dekker co-writes with the then unknown Shane Black, a wild ride of a horror/comedy for the kids called The Monster Squad.
Take the filthy mouthed kids of The Goonies, Stand By Me & The Lost Boys then toss in all the classic Universal Monsters and you have yourself a entertaining ride.  The editing is noticeably sloppy but it's so fast-paced you might not notice.  Stan Winston's creature effects are top-notch as always and Bruce Broughton's music fits the tone perfectly.  It's scary enough to engulf the little horror hound monsters and just enough to keep the older crowd entertained with it's tongue-in-cheek cliches and coincidences.
In short, it's all about fun, fun and more fun.

3½ wolf dorks out of 5


  1. I enjoyed this when I was in my very early teens but aside from seeing a few clips on youtube a couple of years back I haven’t seen the film in over 20 years. I have fond memories, though.

  2. Saw Avi talking about it on the facebooks the other day....then went and bought it on blu the next day. :p

    I was expecting to be immensely disappointed.

    I think I was 10 or 11 when I first saw this one and loved it.
    Saw it like 4 or 5 times after that, being 13 or 14 being the last time seeing it.

    The kids aren't as memorable as the films I compared it to, in fact they seem more like the run of the mill pre-teen gang in films those days. ...but it's still good times with or without the nostalgia goggles.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.