
Thursday 3 October 2013


There is absolutely nothing new about Carlo Ledesma's shaky-camera documentary styled Australian horror film The Tunnel.
First off it makes the huge mistake of spoiling the whole tension of the film by letting us know exactly which characters survive within the first 2 minutes, so there goes that suspense.  While we wait for the inevitable victims to die, we're treated to a series of poorly planned out "action" scenes we've all seen before in The Blair Witch Project, [REC], or any other shaky-camera film, only they all had the element of surprise and suspense to make them worthwhile.  All it really had going for it was the tense claustrophobic setting but Grave Encounters and The Descent did it much better than this snoozefest.

1 "...oh another night-cam film as well" out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.