
Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

With no proper opening Revolutions jumps straight into the story that was left hanging at the end of Reloaded. The rabbit hole doesn't go as deep as that ending pretended it did; instead, it spirals around the satisfyingly obvious conclusion and gets lost in flimsy tunnels of incredulity.
The leather outfits reach fetish proportions, which makes everything feel kind of ridiculous. The silliness isn't helped by the addition of some gunfights that are like a parody of the first film. It’s hard to believe that what you’re watching is created by the same people as before.
The film gets further bogged down by a noisy non-interactive X-Box shooter siege that goes on forever. It gave me an actual headache.
Elsewhere, Neo goes full Maud’Dib, becoming the only thing worth caring about as he advances toward an ending that I find to be both half-heartedly pleasing and simultaneously vexing.

2 opposites attracting out of 5


  1. Favorite Movie of All Time out of 5

    Have any of you guys nutted your favorites? What did you go with? I'm sure you were a lot more clever than what I just did.

    How about...

    5 Infinitely Insipid Choices out of 5

    We all win with that wording :laugh: <3

  2. I was trying to imagine your face as I was posting. “He only gave it a 2!? What? I’ll tear him a new one!” :p

    I thought you’d have preferred the 2nd film – I assumed it more relevant to interests.

    I did my favourite a long time back. It’s one that divides opinion too, perhaps more even than the Matrix sequels. Here:

  3. I was expecting a worse score. I already knew the gist of your feelings about it before we started talking. I would never expect my ramblings to skyrocket a score :laugh:

    You listened and we had a wonderfully civil experience. Time well spent :)


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.