
Friday 25 October 2013

THE HOLE [2009]

Like Gremlins, director Joe Dante returns to horror films for the kids with the simply entertaining yet effective thriller, The Hole.
It might be packed with usual horror movie clichés, like the creepy little ghost girl, creepy clown puppet, creepy old guy who's in the know, creepy abandoned amusement park and creepy German expressionism for maximum weirdness but I viewed it as a tame introduction to those types of things for the younger audience to experience for the first time.  The director's zany imagination isn't up to par with his usual fare but the brisk pacing and light thrills & chills all make up for it.  Dante is an accomplished director, so it leads me to believe that in anybody else's hands this film might not have been nearly as digestible.

3 cools holes into Hell under one's house out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.