
Tuesday 29 October 2013


Night Of The Creeps is a comedy/horror film from director Fred Dekker doing his best to make it so bad it's good.
Starting off on an alien ship, in a Star Wars homage, it quickly turns into a weird slasher flick set in the 50's and then a zombie film in the mid 80's making for a bumpy narrative that somehow ties it all together rather sloppily.  At times it is actually quite funny in a bad way and at other times it's just plain stupid but is too short to wear out it's welcome.  With a bit of better casting choices it might have actually become better than what it is but I'm more than sure it has it's legions of cult classic followers.

3 "zombies, exploding heads, creepy crawlies and a date to the formal" out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.