
Sunday 13 October 2013

Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)

As expected, Jamie Lee is the best thing in the seventh film. It likes to think of itself as the real sequel to the first film, although it incorporates elements of the second and even has remnants of an explanation for Laurie’s absence in the fourth, fifth and sixth from a previous script, which it pretends didn't happen. It’s clear that Dir. Steve Miner hadn't a damn clue what film he wanted to make. There’s no explanation for MM’s return. There’s no proof it’s even him. It’s just a guy in a mask with a knife who likes to stick it in people.
There’s some decent camerawork early on and the editing was functional, but by halfway through the running time I was feeling the pangs of regret.
H20 isn't even the last one. They made another one afterwards! Finality and credibility go out the window when there’s money to be made.

2 new eyes out of 5


  1. I think my only favorite part of this heap of crap is John Ottman's nod to Bernard Herrmann's Psycho theme when Janet Leigh pulls up in Marion Crane's car.

  2. My favourite part was when it ended and I could go watch Ashens instead. :)

  3. I don't know what Ashens is but it must be better than this film.

    LL Cool J must be proud to play the stock token black groundskeeper guy.

    "Damn. That shit is wack, yo."

  4. You're almost done, duders.

    You going to give the Zombie films a whirl afterwards or pretend like they don't exist?

  5. I know. Just one more to go. It's the final hurdle.

    Zombie... :disgust:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.