
Wednesday 2 October 2013

FROZEN [2010]

Director Adam Green's Frozen is a vicious little horror film that relies more on the horrific situation of the story rather than a masked killer or multi-eyed alien to provide the scares.
Three friends are stranded high above the ground on a chairlift on a cold winter's night, forcing them to make some of the toughest choices they will ever have to make.  While the film has moments of intensely terrifying brilliance it also has scenes right out of a standard dumb teen horror film that holds it back from being better than it is.  The acting is a bit weak as is the dialogue but composer Andy Garfield's beautiful and haunting score provides some of the film's best moments.  Not a classic thriller but entertaining and well-paced enough to make it highly enjoyable.

3 frostbites out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.