
Friday 18 October 2013


Dying Breed is a gruesome little Australian horror film from director Jody Dwyer that follows 4 tourists in search of the supposedly extinct Tasmanian Tiger and happen to stumble upon the history of notorious cannibal Alexander Pearce.
It starts off a bit slow but when it finally picks up you realize it was intentional as the horror of the mysteries begin to unravel.  It never really does anything we haven't seen a million times before but the dreary atmosphere of the backwoods of Tasmania makes for a beautiful and frightening effective backdrop.  My biggest complaint is how many times I found myself yelling at the characters "STOP FUCKING SPLITTING UP!"  In the end, I found it to be a so-so crowd pleaser that could have tried just a bit more.

3 bunny heads in a bowl out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.