
Wednesday 9 October 2013

BOTCHED [2007]

Director Kit Ryan's horror/heist gone wrong hybrid film Botched is pure gory slapstick that is just plain weird.
With a bit more focus and better humour it might have worked but unfortunately it's just too silly for it's own good.  A more humorously charismatic leading man might have worked better too, rather than someone like Stephen Dorff who is usually suitable for serious roles but as a funnyman he just falls flat on his face.  The rest of the actors are just as bad at being funny and lack in timing and performance.  There's so many minor plot details that go absolutely nowhere and seem like they were shit into the mix just to make it seem all the more outrageous.  I don't know what the hell was going on with these film-makers but it certainly wasn't anything constructive.

1 face full of rat piss out of 5


  1. I watched this turd. It was a typical £1 Store purchase. The amount of crap horror in there is staggering. You’d love it. :chang:

  2. You should have Nutted it to warn off other perverts before it was too late. XD

    This was a really stupid, stupid movie.

  3. I don't know why I didn't. Maybe it was before we started Nutshell. Or maybe I just wanted to forget it asap. :) I really don't remember.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.