
Sunday 1 September 2013

KICK-ASS 2 [2013]

For the sequel to Matt Vaughan's highly entertaining, hyper-violent comic book film Kick-Ass, Jeff Wadlow steps into the director's chair.
It's a little darker, bloodier and deals with some fairly serious subject matter but still manages to toss in some out of place one-liners and juvenile crudeness that will surely please the youthful minded.  I love the idea of these losers in life joining together to form a Justice League of their own only to be rivalled by a team of super villains who turn to be quite deadly.  It doesn't have the same shock-factor as the original did, so they wisely don't try to recreate that and instead opt for some interesting background to the Hit-Girl character, while Kick-Ass himself is left to wander around aimlessly.  Not as fun as the original but will probably please it's league of off-kilter fans.

3 sleepy shark tanks out of 5

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realise you liked the first one so much. I watched it twice; once before reading the comic and once after. I thought it was just average. Millar writes as if he wants his work to be made into a film so it made sense that they did.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.