
Saturday 7 September 2013


After being completed in 2006 only to get shelved and forgotten, Warm Bodies' director Jonathan Levine's slasher grindhouse homage All The Boys Love Mandy Lane finally sees the light of day some seven years later.
With it's list of characters: the virgin, the bitch, the douche, the stoner, the black guy, the boring girl and the strange mystery guy, having seen it so many times and even joked about, I had to wonder if it was intentional or not.  The first half is a pretty slow and predictable Texas Chainsaw wannabe, saved only by some interesting photography and nostalgic saturated colors, however it picks up a bit by the end as it seems to grow itself a pair of balls.

2 mouthfuls of shotgun out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.