
Sunday 25 August 2013

YOU'RE NEXT [2013]

Adam Wingard crafts an effectively scary and sickly funny home invasion thriller with the ominously titled You're Next.
It's not particularly original or groundbreaking but Wingard and his cast & crew are obviously very dedicated and enthusiastic about the material, making it that much more brutally enjoyable.  Through all the killing and off-color blood is a tale about family dysfunction and inane materialism that has you rooting for the masked killers to do their thing to the collection of douches.  I love the kitschy music but unfortunately it is really distracting in the film itself.  All in all, a delightfully sick & twisted slaughterfest that knows what it is and never tries to be smarter than it should.

3 meat tenderizers out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.