
Tuesday 6 August 2013


After relying heavily on extreme gore with Saw I didn't think James Wan could muster up a genuinely scary film.  He proved me wrong with the pants-shitting Insidious and now again with The Conjuring.
With next to no blood ever seen onscreen the film relies on it's creepiness factor to make your stomach turn and it does a mighty fine job at it for the first hour and afterwards it's a non-stop thrill ride.  It doesn't try to reinvent anything but it supplies the wiggins something fierce with a bit of class and wit about itself unlike most of the other Exorcist & Amytiville rip-offs we've seen as of lately.

3½ dying pigeons out of 5

1 comment:

  1. I just finished watching this about 15 minutes ago and I loved it. For a fan of horror films, it's great to see one released recently that's actually scary.

    For me it's a near 5 claps in the dark out of 5 though I am coming right off the high of watching it. But the very fact that there's a high at all really tells you something.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.