
Monday 12 August 2013

Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan (2011)

Some people grew up watching Disney on the TV. Some grew up watching Muppets. I grew up watching Harryhausen. He wasn't the first to use stop motion animation in cinema, but he was certainly the most influential and a large part of the reason it remains so well-loved. The film takes the viewer chronologically through every feature he made, showing dailies and screen tests with commentary from the man himself. The bulk of it is an interview with Ray; his memories are an invaluable treasure trove of information.
Modern filmmakers, people like Spielberg (respectful), Del Toro (the one that embodies the creative spirit most) and Cameron (talks out of his ass, as usual), tell their own stories of how they were inspired by him. If you're a Harryhausen fan, Special Effects Titan is essential viewing.

4 creature armatures out of 5


  1. ...and some people grew up watching all 3. :smug:

    He was essential Sat & Sun afternoon viewing.

    I'd watch this film. Will seek out and fap in your honour.

  2. I didn't have Disney, and I didn't get Muppets until after Harryhausen had lit a spark in me.
    There's something in the doc that sadly never got made into a feature. I won't say what it is. It could've been glorious.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.