
Sunday 18 August 2013

Nikita (1990)

aka: La Femme Nikita

Nikita is an assassin working for the French government; they tell her who to kill and she does it. That makes her sound very two dimensional, but Luc Besson writes strong female characters, so there’s a lot more layers to her that reveal slowly as the film progresses.
It’s not an action movie. It surprises me when people say that it is. I see it as a thriller that explores the steps taken by one woman to get her life back on track (in an admittedly unconventional way). There just happens to be some bloodshed and murder involved.
It has things in common with Besson’s other assassin film, Léon: The Professional (1994). I prefer Léon.

3 places out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.