
Thursday 1 August 2013

Mansome (2012)

A documentary about manliness in modern society, or, as I saw it, the difference between the beards and the ponces.
The first half was fun, except for the interruptions from Jason Bateman and Will Arnett that were neither funny nor insightful. Dir. Spurlock's short appearance was the most entertaining and the most relevant.
The second half is a waste of time. The anthropological aspect is lessened and instead it gives too much screen time to a narcissistic prick who needed a reality kick in the teeth.
The women's reactions were confusing. The majority of them were happy to judge the men based on the same kind of insecurities they feel about their own bodies, without seeing the contradictions it gave rise to.

2½ coarse follicles out of 5


  1. Saw this a few months ago.

    A dismal effort from Spurlock who usually produces fantastic work.

  2. I’ve been disappointed with the last 2 I’ve watched but I like him usually. He only had a small part in this one, and he wasn’t in the other one at all… I wonder is that part of the problem?


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.