
Saturday 10 August 2013

Halloween II (1981)

You can’t keep a knife-wielding maniac in a painted Shat mask down for long. There are bitches to be killed, so MM rises to the occasion.
It begins the very same instant that Carpenter’s original ended. The POV shots and the heavy breathing return, and the frame often gives us two things to focus on at one time. In fact, in most respects it mimics the things that the first one did well, so why is it so very dull?
There’s no suspenseful build-up. The plot is so riddled with holes it belongs in Church. The starkness of the iconic music score is lost. The environment is empty. Loomis runs around blindly. Laurie is hardly in it, and when she is there she hardly speaks. I can’t delve into the ending in this review, but be warned, it makes little to no sense.

2 mispronunciations of Samhain out of 5


  1. Zombie's sequel took this whole film and condensed it into a 30 minute dream sequence. Yeah...30 minutes. :rolleyes:

    It's better than this film but feels horrible in the actual Zombie film itself.

    Very confusing.

  2. 30 mins all at once? That’s bizarre. With the character re-established I assumed he’d take the franchise in a new direction. I didn’t think he’d reference this one at all.

  3. After the 30 minute dream sequence he does take it in a new direction but it's really really bad.

    It's mostly just Michael going on a nature walk for the rest of the movie with his imaginary travelling buddies.

    ...and Laurie's a selfish bitch who seems to forget that she wasn't the only survivor of the first film.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.