
Thursday 1 August 2013

Critters (1986)

Of the shovel-load of horror B-Movies that appeared during the 80’s, Critters was one of the more entertaining ones. It still is.
It’s a sci-fi/horror hybrid with some accidental laughs and some purposeful laughs. The creatures are like vicious little bastard cousins of the Gremlins. They wreak havoc, as you’d expect, but what makes the film work so well is that the family is at the heart of it. The bitey things don’t kill off screaming, sex-crazed teenagers one by one, they threaten something important, something worth fighting for.

3 furry balls out of 5


  1. The first one is good but for some reason I've always enjoyed the second one the most. I picked up 1-4 in a bargain pack a few months ago.

    Plan on nutting any of the sequels?

  2. I was going to do them all if they're still available.
    I first saw Pt 1 and Pt 2 when they came out, but 3 and 4 will be new to me.

    I just noticed on IMDB that Part 2 is by Nutshell 'favourite' Mick Garris. It's like he haunts me. :p

  3. :laugh:

    Now you have to Nut it.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.