
Sunday 28 July 2013

The Simpsons Movie (2007)

I gave up on The Simpsons TV series many years ago. Not because it got shit, but because it moved to a new channel and they put an advert halfway through; an advert in a 24 min show is unacceptable. Maybe it was because I’d not seen the characters in a long time that made me enjoy this so much, or maybe it really is that good. It’s got laughs. It’s got heart. It’s got old man prophecies and an angry mob with pitchforks. Good times.

3½ further dysfunctions out of 5


  1. We get 2 or 3 ads in a half hour show. Someone has been spoiled~

  2. I think we 3 ad breaks during a half hour show.

    Usually 3 to 5 ads with each break.

    That's why I DVR whatever I watch with commercials.

    Haven't watched The Simpsons on Sunday nights for around 15 years now. Makes it kind of nice to catch a rerun on in the afternoon though because with 15 years of not watching it it's almost a guarantee I haven't seen it. :)

  3. 3 ad breaks during a half hour show? That's appalling behaviour.
    We used to get 2 during one hour. That's part of why I gave up TV entirely, because a willingness to accept it means it'll never change.
    I despise ads. If they interrupt something I'm watching I'd actively NOT buy their product in response.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.