
Tuesday 16 July 2013


After being unable to get several projects off the ground, film-maker Guillermo Del Toro makes a triumphant return with the Saturday Morning Cartoon-esque sci-fi flick Pacific Rim.
Del Toro who usually makes his films dark and broody, wisely opted for a colorful and adventurous feel this time around making for the perfect type of popcorn film.  It's pretty light on substance but Del Toro's knack for great film-making is still firmly intact as he channels some more than obvious influences to create a damned great couple of hours of brainless fun.  It's ridiculous, loud, ballsy and probably as good as gets with this year's run of summer blockbusters.

3½ sons of anarchy out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.