
Monday 8 July 2013

Hardware (1990)

I wanted to like Hardware more than I actually did because you can feel the love that was put into it as you watch it. Dir. Richard Stanley borrows a lot from Ridley Scott, but at least he’d the good sense to take from the two best films Ridley ever made. Visually it’s like Blade Runner (1982) with a less expansive focus. It takes place in close quarters with a creature that’s suitably menacing; a situation clearly inspired by Alien (1979).
What set it apart from Ridley’s cold, clinical style was the trademark Stanley mysticism and the feeling that despite the reliance on technology the spiritual can never be fully conquered.
Even though I felt that it could've been something special but wasn't, I'd still definitely recommend it to fans of cult cinema.

3 red skies out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.