
Thursday 11 July 2013

127 HOURS [2010]

Danny Boyle directs James Franco in the biographical thriller 127 Hours, based on canyoneer Aron Ralston's struggle to free his hand being stuck by a boulder.
Reminiscent of the way Darren Aronofsky portrayed an incredibly flawed Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler, the film gets even more intimate and personal in some truly thoughtful and disturbing ways.  Franco does a fantastic job as a reckless near sociopath that is twisted into a reflective thankful soul.  With the story taking place 90% in a hole in the ground, it's a challenge to hold your attention for the entirety of the film but Boyle & Franco do a damn fine job attempting it.

3½ ghosts of Scooby-Doo out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.