
Friday 21 June 2013

Paycheck (2003)

When I watch a film based on a Philip K Dick story I cross my fingers and repeat the phrase, 'please be good, please be good,' over and over like a mantra, but they almost never are. Paycheck is based on a short story of the same name, padded out to almost two hours!
Part of the reason it’s so bad is the sequential deus ex machinas the story relies upon. It may have worked on paper but it's a giant finger that points and laughs at its own incredulity onscreen.
Another reason it sucks balls is because of Ben Affleck. He won an award for his performance, but unfortunately for him it was a Razzie. Although, it's a little unfair they didn't award Uma one, too; she was equally as worthy.

1½ cheques checked out of 5


  1. They filmed quite a bit of this on your Skytrain. XD

    That must be what the extra 1/2 star is for. :laugh:

  2. There was a scene on a train. :)
    I wish I'd known before watching. I'd have happy-clapped, and tittered.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.