
Saturday 18 May 2013

Rambo (2008)

A group of self-important Christian aid workers get themselves deep in real world shit and it falls to John Rambo to save their naive asses.
Be warned, right from the very beginning the fourth film in the franchise is brutally violent. Heads get torn in half by gunfire and limbs get tossed around like beers at a garden party. It’s shot in such a way that it doesn't gratify the brutality and it doesn't lead to desensitisation; the last kill is as horrific as the first. If violence upsets you, stay away.
It’s advisable to have watched Rambo I and II so you know how JR got to where he is emotionally. Doing so will help you fill in gaps and lessen the upset over the lack of properly defined motivation in this one.

3½ boat trips to hell out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.