
Saturday 11 May 2013

MANIAC [2013]

Director Frank Khalfoun & screenwriter Alexandre Aja adapt the exploitative cult classic Maniac as a vehicle for Elijah Wood to wipe the squeaky clean image of Frodo from folk's minds.
With it's highly unsettling tone & gruesome character study I was reminded of Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer and being shot entirely from the murderer's POV  I thought of Peeping Tom but thanks to Wood's uber-creepy performance it becomes a twisted monster all of it's own.  The POV camerawork struck me as gimmicky at first but it slowly crept into something dark that made it all the more disturbing and stomach-turning.  Top marks to composer ROB for the wonderfully textured score that called back to the early '80's slasher flick days.

3 generations of mannequins out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.