
Saturday 11 May 2013

Island of Fire (1990)

A police officer (Tony Leung) goes deep undercover in a violent prison; whilst there his sense of right and wrong remain.
There’s a great film buried somewhere in here but it’s suffocated by the awkward plotting. The separate parts relate to each other but don’t connect as well as they should and the whole suffers.
It co-stars Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung but is light on laughter. In fact, it’s notable for being the most violent film in Jackie’s career.

NOTE: My version was the Hong Kong edition (93 mins). Included on the disc are 30 minutes of deleted scenes that featured an entire sub-plot. I think the film would've been better had they not been cut. The Taiwanese version (125 mins) has them intact.

2½ bent screws out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.