
Saturday 25 May 2013


Sly Stallone and The Fast & The Furious' Sung Kang drive around killing people in director Walter Hill's Bullet To The Head, an adaptation of Alex Nolent's graphic novel Du Plomb Dans La Tete.
It's pretty much cinematic trash that seems like it was scripted by an uneducated adolescent with absolutely nothing worthwhile to say.  With films like these you would at least expect some sort of thought put into the kill sequences or the one-liners but there is none of that to be seen.  The film is simply void of any appeal whatsoever.

½ headshot out of 5


  1. I gave this a try last night because I've enjoyed some of Walter's other films. I didn't think it was as terrible as you did, but it really had nothing to offer and was as boring as all hell, so I turned it off after 30 minutes, chucked it directly on the give-away stack and found something better to watch.

  2. I think it a Cream of the Crap entry of that year.

    I hated it.

    I like me some Sly occasionally but this isn't one of them.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.