
Thursday 18 April 2013


The Golden Compass director Chris Weitz replaces Catherine Hardwicke & her horrendously boring direction for the second instalment of the uber-popular Twilight Saga, New Moon.
The film starts off with a potentially interesting concept but quickly kicks that into the dirt after 10 minutes and finds itself moping around for what seemed like a lifetime.  A breath of life is sloppily forced into the story taking a turn into something far more interesting about one hour into the film.  Michael Sheen is an absolute delight to watch in a small yet vital role which makes me want to see more of him.  I know I'm not a teenage girl and won't find much in this, but bad storytelling & filmmaking is just plain bad and I know for a fact there is far more better films out there for the insecure, broken emo girl looking for quality entertainment.

2 shirtless injuns who cut there silly long hair out of 5


  1. Out of all the Twilight films this is my (not favorite) least-hated, mainly because it has the least amount of Edward. I think I gave this a 2 out of 5 as well.

  2. For a second I thought Doc had taken to nutting the entire series :erm:

    I'd probably give the original 1.5 for being palatable to hopelessly emo fucks. From there it's .5 and below territory. Gave up after Eclipse, which had about 30 seconds worth of actual plot material.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.