
Saturday 27 April 2013

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)

Austin’s first flirtatious outing is an effective slice of James Bond parody and irreverent comedy sketches that never feel like they’re separate from the larger whole, but it’s dragged down by one thing: Liz Hurley. She sure looks good in clothes, but as an actress she’s worse than useless. It's Mike Myers as the paradoxically auspicious Austin that holds the attention and keeps the laughs coming.

3 conveniently placed objects out of 5


  1. I used to quite like this one (and the 2nd one...there is no 3rd one).

    Still do I suppose. I think after seeing them 50 billion times on TV that love eventually wore off.

    I'll watch them again in 10 years for maximum enjoyment.

    A strong 3 from me too.

  2. I think last night was only the second time I'd seen this one in its entirety.

    I prefer the 2nd film... it has Fat Bastard. He cracks me up.

  3. My bro and I still love saying "It's a bit nutty" when take a first sip of coffee at family get togethers.

    We both laugh like little school girls...everybody else wonders what is so funny.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.