
Friday 15 March 2013

The Omen (2006)

A remake of the 1976 Richard Donner film of the same name. Did they use the same script? There are some minor differences, but ninety-nine percent of it is identical. Why bother? It’s not like the original was a turd. I don’t blame the director. He got offered a job and he took it. I blame the producers.
Exploitation isn't just a genre in Hollywood; it’s a way of life.
Liev Schreiber is fine, but he’s no Gregory Peck. Mia Farrow and Pete Postlethwaite put everyone else to shame, except the wonderful Michael Gambon who unfortunately only got about two minutes of screen time.

1½ revelations out of 5


  1. I haven't seen this since it was in theaters.

    I thought it was alright. Maybe a strong 2 1/2.

    I really like Liev Schreiber though.

    Dont' remember much from it though.

    ...and I don't even remember Michael Gambon being in it all. XD

  2. There are few shock scares which feel out of place but I expected those. I expected more than what was there so I applaud the restraint.

    It wasn't until the 40 min mark that I considered the stop button. That's twice as long as I normally give. In that respect it did well. But it was all so pointless.

    The decapitation was fun. I tittered much.

    Gambon was the priest that gave him the knives.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.